Assalamu alaikum Abraar School families,
Please help us reduce waste by packing garbage free lunch bags. Instead of using ziploc bags and plastic cutlery, wrap etc. please use reusable containers and cutlery, this will help us do our part as a school to make our earth a little bit cleaner inshallah. This ties into our November character theme of CLEANLINESS.
Jazakum Allahu Khairan for your cooperation, and feel free to continue this great habit even after November ends.
The SK Team

Tr.Safiah Aghliw
SK2 Teacher
Abraar School: Islamic Education for the Next Generation
SK2 Teacher
Abraar School: Islamic Education for the Next Generation
Secondary Campus: 1085 Grenon Avenue, Ottawa, ON K2B 8L7 | ph.613-820-0044 | fx.613-820-1495
Elementary Campus: 70 Fieldrow Street, Ottawa, ON K2G 2Y7 | ph.613-226-1396 | fx. 613-226-2745
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