Monday 29 September 2014

Terry Fox National School Run

Dear Parents,
Assalamu Alaikum

Last Wednesday, the students at Abraar Elementary School participated in the Terry Fox National School Run. I must say that it was a success, MashaAllah! Everyone from grade one to grade six participated either through walking or running. It was heartwarming to see the students participate in such large numbers. In addition, I want to share something incredibly sweet with all of you. The JKs and SKs were not able to run, so they decided to do something to help out. The teachers started "A Toonie for Terry" where each child brings two dollars to help in Terry's cause. I was overjoyed to see the amount of toonies raised.

Pledges are starting to come in, MashaAllah! Please note that all pledges need to be returned to school by October 7, 2014, inshaAllah.

I would like to give a big heartfelt thank you to everyone for their participation and generous donations. Jazakum Allahu Kharain.
Have a wonderful day, inshallah.

Nancy-Ann Brethour
School Librarian

Thursday 25 September 2014

Math Homework

Alsalamo Alikom dear Parents

Today the Math homework is page 12 in the practice work book.

A reminder tomorrow inshaaAllah will be Islamic St. test in chapter 2 and 3.

Jazakom Allah Khairan

Friday 19 September 2014

Math Homework

Alsalamo Alikom dear Parents

The Math homework for today is page 10 in Practice workbook + the given worksheets


Thursday 18 September 2014

Science Project

Alsalamo Alikom dear Parents             

Insha'Allah grade 6 students will be working on their first science project.
The project is that they have to create their own animal by choosing different parts of animals according to the importance of those parts and how those parts help the animal to survive within the biodiversity around it.
This project will help the students to think critically which is a higher order thinking level and show their creativity.

The due date is: Thursday, September 25th.

The project idea: Students have to draw their imaginary animal on half of the chart and list the different parts of the animal's body and explain why they chose those parts and their importance on the other half.

The rubric is attached.

Looking forward to show me your creativity my beloved students :)

Science Rubric
Super Creature
 Tr. Rania  Abdeldaim
Weight for Each Category
(5 points)
Every item that needs to be identified has a label. It is clear which label goes with which structure.
Almost all items (90%) that need to be identified have labels. It is clear which label goes with which structure.
Most items (75-89%) that need to be identified have labels. It is clear which label goes with which structure.
Less than 75% of the items that need to be identified have labels OR it is not clear which label goes with with item.
Drawing - general
(5 points)
Lines are clear and not smudged. There are almost no erasures or stray marks on the paper. Color is used carefully to enhance the drawing. Stippling is used instead of shading. Overall, the quality of the drawing is excellent.
There are a few erasures, smudged lines or stray marks on the paper, but they do not greatly detract from the drawing. Color is used carefully to enhance the drawing. Overall, the drawing is good.
There are a few erasures, smudged lines or stray marks on the paper, which detract from the drawing OR color is not used carefully. Overall, the quality of the drawing is fair.
There are several erasures, smudged lines or stray marks on the paper, which detract from the drawing. Overall, the quality of the drawing is poor.
Knowledge Gained
(5 points)
When asked about 10 items in an unlabeled drawing of the same plant or animal, the student can identify all of them accurately.
When asked about 10 items in an unlabeled drawing of the same plant or animal, the student can identify 8-9 of them accurately.
When asked about 10 items in an unlabeled drawing of the same plant or animal, the student can identify 6-7 of them accurately.
When asked about 10 items in an unlabeled drawing of the same plant or animal, the student can identify 5 or less of them accurately.
Drawing - details
(5 points)
All assigned details have been added. The details are clear and easy to identify.
Almost all assigned details (at least 85%) have been added. The details are clear and easy to identify.
Almost all assigned details (at least 85%) have been added. A few details are difficult to identify.
Fewer than 85% of the assigned details are present OR most details are difficult

Student Name:     ________________________________________

Teacher’s Comments :

Math Homework

Alsalamo Alikom dear Parents

Math HW for today is page 8 in the practice workbook + the problem of the week.


Welcome to the Quran Class

Dear Parents,
Assalamo Allikum.
My name is Hadia Arabi Katbi. I am your child’s Quran teacher. In this welcoming letter, I ask Allah Almighty to make this school year a successful one, and to help us make the Quran reach our children’s tongues and hearts. My utmost goal in my classroom is to make your child learn how to read the Quran properly Inshallah. Also, your child will be memorizing some Suras of the Quran.
I will keep you informed of your child’s progress in memorization and learning through the student agenda which will be the main communication line between me and the parents. On a weekly basis, you will find in the agenda the ayas we plan to study and memorize and when the ayas are due for testing. Please do check the agenda at least once a week to check on your child progress as I will write notes and comments in case your child is not progressing.
Inshallah, with your help, support and feedback, you will notice a big difference in your child’s Quran reciting. Please feel free to contact me through the school number or my email.
Wassalamo Allikum
Hadia Arabi Katbi (Quran Teacher)

Sept. 19th, 2014.

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Islamic Studies Test

Alsalamo Alikom dear Parents                   

InshaaAllah we will have an Islamic Studies test on September 26th in unit A chapter 2,3

Jazakom Allah Khairan

Math Test

Alsalamo alikom Dear Parents 

InshaaAllah we will have a Math test in chapter 1 on September 29th in lessons 1,2,3,4,6,7,8

Jazakom Allah Khairan