Monday 26 November 2012

Arabic test for Arabic speakers

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته


انتهينا من درس ( غرسوا فأكلنا  ) قراءة وفهما واستيعابا . سيكون هناك امتحان في درسي (جحا والحمار) و ( غرسوا فأكلنا ) أسئلة  - معاني مفردات - جمل باستخدام الأساليب والتراكيب اللغوية


( لقد تم تدريب التلاميذ عليها) وسوف نقوم بمراجعة سريعة للدرسين يوم الاثنين إن شاء الله الموافق 26 نوفمبر  حيث سيكون الامتحان يوم الثلاثاء الموافق 27 نوفمبر


أما امتحان القواعد فسوف يكون يوم الخميس الموافق 29 نوفمبر في الجملة الفعلية (الأمر النهي النصب والإعراب ).


الرجاء الجلوس مع ابنتك\ ابنك  ومراجعة دروس الامتحان.                                                                                                         شكرا لكم تعاونكم


                                                                                                                                                                                                      المدرسة امل

Monday 19 November 2012

Islamic Studies



                    ALLAH THE CREATOR

AlSalamo Alikom dear parents,

Students have to write a poem of minimum 15 lines to show:

  • How they love ALLAH (SWT)
  • How is ALLAH is the true Creator.
  • How we can find ALLAH in everything around us.
  • How we are thankful to ALLAH for everything he gave us.
  • How ALLAH can be seen in all creatures and the relations between them.
  • How to think, learn and remember the great attributes of ALLAH.

They can refer to page A35 in their Textbook.
They have to read the rubric carefully before starting to write the poem
The due date is Monday Nov. 26th.
The expectations of this project according to Bloom Taxonomy are:
Students will be able to: list, describe, explain, interpret, write, show, classify, choose verify, create.

Jazakom Allah Khairan for your cooperation.

Thursday 15 November 2012

French updates


Assalam Alaikum Dear Parents:

In French, through our story *Chat Angora*, we are working on building fluency in oral communication and reading. We have daily kinesthetic vocabulary review using gestures as stated in Aim Language curriculum. We focus particularly on the use of verbs. These help students to acquire and / or to enhance the oral use of French language in their daily life.

We have also almost daily reading. We focus on the correct French pronunciation and on the expression.

We are of course working on our writing; so far we did many activities (related to the story) that combine reading and writing:

1.       Choisis le bon mot: The sentence is written with a space and a word bank is provided. Students read the sentence and fill up the blank with the correct word from the bank.

2.       Les mots en ordre: Students have to put the words in order to form a sentence and write it.

3.       Les phrases coupées: Students match 2 parts of a sentence and write the complete sentence.

4.       Les mots qui riment: Students match the rhyming words provided. After that, they look for the rhyming words in the story.

5.       Les questions totales: In this activity the complete answer is in the question, students cross out all the extra vocabulary and the question mark. They write the answer using capitalization and the period at the end of the sentence.

6.       The plural of the verbs : il/elle  fait, ils/elles font; il /elle va, ils/elles  vont;

7.       The contraction : la  école ----˃ l’école

8.       Double verbs  construction

9.       The opposites

All the activities are modeled in class several times before any homework is assigned.

In any communication, oral or written, students are expected to use complete sentences. They are also required to speak only in French during French class.

For French tests, students have spelling words, an activity we have worked on and a grammar question. For the evaluation, the activity and the grammar have more weight than the spelling.

The purpose of the spelling is to help students to become familiar with the French orthography in order to prepare them for the creative writing activity we are having at the end of the unit.

If you have any question you can contact me by calling the school or by email.

Jazakum Allah Kheiran for your cooperation

Tr. Amina

French Department


Wednesday 14 November 2012

Anti-Bullying Week!

Dear Abraar Parents and Gaurdians,
Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahamtu Allah Wa Barakatuhu
Yesterday we started “Stand Up (to Bullying)” week to raise our students awareness  about:

•             the types of bullying;

•             how to stop the bullies;

•             how to help the bullied.

Abraar Teachers will work with the students, Monday to Thursday, to explain all issues about bullying through role plays, slogans, variety of storytelling and other art activities.

Our students are reminded of the importance of creating and maintaining caring and safe environment at Abraar School.

I encourage our valuable parents and guardians to read the information about bullying,  that I started  to post on the school blog yesterday and I will continue till the end of this  week,  to help their children at home.We need to work all of us inshaAllah towards having  Abraar School as a safe and caring school.

Jazakum Allah Khairan for your cooperation.

Best Regards

Nouha Jamali

Vice Principal

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Math Test


AlSalamo Alikom dear parents

Students will have a test in Math on Monday Nov.19th.

The test will cover chapter 4 lessons (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)

StUdY HaRd


Jazakom Allah khairan


Wednesday 7 November 2012

Girls Health Project

Creating a Menu

Outline of the project:

- you own a resturant, you are to create your own menu

- name of your resturant

- tell me a little about your resturant.

· what kind of a resturant is it?

· What kind of food you will have?

In your menu create the following:

1- breakfast section

2. lunch section

3. dinner section

I gave the option of working with a partner or alone. They will present their Menu to the class.

Due Date: Friday, November 9, 2012

The rubric will be sent home :)



Tuesday 6 November 2012

Social studies Project

On behalf of Tr.Merve.


Alsalamo Alikom dear parents,
We have been learning about Aboriginal people and the different types of Aboriginal groups.  I have assigned a project. I have given my students two different assignments. Some students are assigned to investigate the “Head smashed- in Buffalo Jump” and some on “Role of the Canoe in the Fur trade”.
The outline for” Role of the Canoe in the Fur Trade”:
“Fur trades in early Canada depended on the canoe for transportation. We would begin our journey by packing our supplies, goods, and passengers. We would paddle for days, unpack and carry our belongings when we reached foot trails, and then repack them when we reached another waterway.”
Use the five Ws and “How” to investigate the role of the canoe in the fur trade
Who – taught the fur traders how to canoe?
What – was “portaging” and what were “portages”?
When- would the fur traders have to unpack or repack?
Where – would each journey begin and where would it end?
Why – was the canoe a faster way to travel around Canada?
How – many passengers would there be in a journey?
The outline for “Head smashed – in buffalo Jump”
UNESCO (United Nation Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) names certain sites all over the world for their uniqueness and importance in defining our history, and head Smashed-in Buffalo jump is one of them.
Use the five Ws to investigate this site:
Why - is it called “Head Smashed- in Buffalo Jump?
What - are some of the features of this site?
Where - is it?
Who - were the people that used this site?
When- was it in history when these people used this site?
You are to illustrate your work in a booklet.
Once completed, you will present to the class

Due date: Wednesday Nov.07


Monday 5 November 2012

Language updates

On behalf of Tr.Merve

Dear Parents,

Hope all is well.  Update on what we will be doing from Nov 5- Nov 9

·         Generating, Gathering and organizing information.

·         Accessing prior knowledge

·         Reading for information

·         Summarizing

I have been working with my students in preparing them to do their homework in class. We have done majority of homework’s in class and the reason for that was for them to get use to the amount of homework they will have during the year. The grace period is over and starting this week, students will have homework on regular basis.

THANKS!!! :)

Math assignment


Alsalamo Alikom Dear Parents,

Math Assignment due tomorrow:

We are done with chapter 4 lessons 1-4.
Students have to solve the math worksheets sent with them as they are reviewing all the topics covered in the 4 lessons.

Jazakom Allah khairan for your cooperation

Friday 2 November 2012


A message from Quran teacher


Alhamdullah we finished reciting and memorizing surat Almulk. We will have a test on all of the surah on Friday November 9th Insha Allah ,this test will be on Tajweed rules ,reading rules and memorization of the whole surah .I will send a Quran rubric of this test with your child  Insha Allah ,so please sign it and send it back. To practice the surah with your child please  use this website and go to Sheik Ibrahim Alakhadar:  


 Congratulation to the best memorizers  and reciters of the month of October: 


1.Mariam  Abdala.
2.Yousef  Sharif.
3.Omar  Saleem.
4.Mohammed  Ramadan.
5.Syeda  Hasan.

Jazakum Allahu Khairan for your cooperation


Tr. Samia