As-salamu alaikum Dear Parents,
"I love the Sunnah"
where we introduce and practice one simple sunnah a day for three weeks. First Sunnah will be on Thursday Feb 12th, 2015.
Please note that participation in this campaign is also open to parents who would like to practice the same sunnah we learn in school
Please note that participation in this campaign is also open to parents who would like to practice the same sunnah we learn in school
Here are the details of the campaign:
2) The sunnah of the day will be bloged everyday for your reference
3) Three program follow up sheets will be handed to students to log their sunnah practice (and your practice if you would like to participate).
4) Students and parents who complete the 3 follow up sheets will be awarded “I love the sunnah! “ mood band.
Your encouragement and reinforcement are highly appreciated!
Jazakum Allah khair!