I want to announce that inshAllah the students portfolios is activated starting from today.
Below, you will find some useful tips about the importance of the students portfolios.
Portfolios for Student Growth (PSG) are a holistic, student-centered, process-led approach to portfolio development. PSG offers teachers a way to guide students to explicitly link academic learning with future planning and goal setting. Through the portfolio process, students develop the self-awareness, goal-setting, and decision-making skills essential for lifelong self-determination.
How Does Portfolios for Student Growth Promote Active Student Learning?
Using Portfolios for Student Growth, students are actively involved in a process of taking responsibility for their own learning and life plan as they:
Using Portfolios for Student Growth, students are actively involved in a process of taking responsibility for their own learning and life plan as they:
- examine a broad range of their own work collected over time
- analyze and assess their own progress
- plan and manage their time to complete the work
- integrate diverse experiences in and out of the classroom
- make decisions about future goals based on evidence and criteria
Benefits from the potfolios:
The portfolio benefits each student differently. Some possible benefits are listed below. Naturally, these develop over time as students reflect on their evolving knowledge, skills, and attitudes.
- develops organizational skills
- develops decision making skills
- develops problem solving skills
- develops writing skills
- develops motivation
- develops presentation skills
- develops thinking skills
- documents student growth over time
- encourages students to value their work
- encourages pride in accomplishments
- encourages expression of individual creativity
- encourages better attention to the learning process
- helps students to make better choices
- increases responsibility and independence
- teaches students to value self
- teaches a positive approach to solving problems
Research also shows that students benefit from an awareness of the processes and strategies involved in writing, solving a problem, researching a topic, analyzing information, or describing their own observations.
Ref.: Gallaudet University
Jazakom Allah Khairan