Test on: Canadian History/Aboriginal peoples 
Date of Test: Wednesday october 17, 2012
Test outline:
There will be four parts to the test. As a class we have
practiced Part 1, 3, and 4. I will take up part 3 with them on monday.
Part 1: Spelling (13 Marks)
- 10 provinces
- 3 territories
Part 2: Map of Canada
- students will be asked to place the Provinces and
Territories on the map. (13)
- spelling counts
Part 3: Match the word with the definition ( 6 marks)
- 6 words ( will be taking up on monday)
Part 4: Short answer (8 marks)
- stuents will be given three theories.
- student will choose 2 theory
- student is to explain( 2 marks) and give example for each
theory(2 marks).
The test is worth 40 marks in total. :)