Monday, 8 February 2016

Reading/ writing French project for GR6.

Assalamu-Alaykum .


We will be preparing a reading French project.  We will start it on Tuesday, February16, 2016, Insha’Allah. Your child will write five paragraphs using his/her own words . Since we studied a lot of things about characters and events, they will find useful resources in many activities we did in class, such as (questions totals, questions partial etc…). Your child should write a story extension by using creative and imaginative ideas as they wish. Let's begin with the following example as the student's choice as the alternative story continuation.
( Aisha va à l'entraînement de basket-ball après l'école et elle joue tellement bien , ses amis sont là aussi et ils sont très fiers d'elle….. )
  I will require your full support, in order for this project to be a successful one.
I would ask you to help your child understand the criteria in the rubric for reading / writing, and encourage him/her to read the story I gave them. 
For those who might find the project challenging, I need your help in encouraging them to constantly seek my assistance. I will give them more help if required.
        Please feel free to contact me by email or directly if you have any questions or concerns.

You find below the rubric (reading and writing) .

Jazakum Allah Kheir,

Teacher Said

French teacher