Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Language updates

New Unit- Media studies

Dear parents we are currently starting a new unit about Media studies.  As a class we have talked about different methods of Advertisements.  Over the next few weeks, we will look into different methods of advertisements and the effect and impact of them. We are currently looking into television commercials.  Students were assigned to watch a commercial and to inform the class what the commercial was about? Target audience, is it an effective commercial? Etc.  Students were asked to analyze their chosen commercial and we will share them throughout this week Inshallah.

 Grammar: This week we have looked over 

1.       Using commas with series

2.       Giving Direction

3.       One word, Many Meanings

There was a pop quiz on giving direction today, Tuesday March 5, 2013.  The quiz has been marked and will be sent home at the end of the day. J

 Thank you,
Tr. Merve