Monday, 23 September 2013

Critical thinking


Alsalamo Alikom Dear Parents

I sent today with my students 2 documents about how parents can help their children to think critically.
Also there is a list of the Apps., website links, television shows, and books that will help you a lot in this issue.

Please try to apply this with your children at home.

Jazakom Allah Khairan

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Math Test

Alsalamo Alikom Dear Respected Parents

InshAllah Grade 6 will have a Math Test next week.

Date: Monday Sept. 23rd
 Students have to practice chapter 2 (all lessons).

Jazakom Allah Khairan.

Friday, 13 September 2013

On behalf of Tr.Said

Welcoming Letter To Parents


Alsalamo Alikom Dear Parents,

 It's school time again!

My name is Rania Abdeldaim I am your child homeroom teacher and in the same time I am teaching him/her Math, science, Islamic studies, Art and Health.

 I am very happy to have your child in my classroom.

I believe that by all of us working together we can make this a very successful year. I consider it of prime importance that you be an active part of your child's education.

It is important that you and your child be informed of my standards of classroom behavior so everyone knows what is expected. I have always found parents to be very supportive of good classroom behavior so their child has a good environment for maximum learning. I am listing below our classroom rules, as well as my own personal pledge to you and your child. If your child develops any difficulty conforming to the rules, I will notify you. As well, I hope that you will advise me if at any time your child has a problem, academic, social, or emotional.  

   You are invited to send me an email, phone or visit the school any time that you have a question concerning your child's progress. I will keep you informed by sending home a weekly sampling of your child's work.

My email is: or call the school on telephone number: 61332261396.

I consider it a great privilege and responsibility to be your child's teacher this year.

Our Classroom Rules
    1.      Listen when your teacher is talking.

2.      Follow directions quickly.

3.      Respect yourself and others.

4.      Raise your hand to speak or stand.

5.      Be safe, be kind, and be honest.

My Pledge to Students
The following is a list of goals that I have set for myself this year. I will make every effort to live up to these goals:

1) I will greet students each morning with a smile, and will be generous with my smiles throughout the day.

2) I will look for opportunities to reward and praise students for their work and good behavior.

            3) I will use fair and appropriate methods of discipline.

4) I will try to make classroom instruction as interesting as possible and look for new and diverse ways of presenting materials.

5) I will maintain a positive atmosphere for learning. .

6) I will make myself available and approachable to students.

7) I will recognize the individuality of my students and will provide opportunities for each of them to experience success. I pledge to work forward making this a very successful year for us all.

Jazakom Allah Khairan