Thursday, 25 April 2013

An Update from Tr.Nancy

Dear Parents,

Assalamu Alaikum

I have come across a very interesting article about children and technological devices. To access the article, click here.

Have a great day, inshaAllah.

Tr. Nancy

Languahe updates

Dear Parents,

A quick update on what we have been doing in class. The past few weeks, we been discussing:

· -different methods of advertisments and the effect it has on people

· how to analyze an ad

· looking at what goes behind the scene when creating and ad

· the typical stereotyping we see on tv.

· close look into infomercial.

· invidual creation of infomercial.

Book report ( side project)

I have asked the class to chose a book they would like to read. Once book is read, a book report will be done and shared with the class. There will be time dedicated to reading and working on the book report in class. I will dedicated 5-8 min of each language class for studetns to read. There will be 2 periods dedicated to the book report next week. The book report is due May 3, 2013. If any changes is made, there will be an update.

Thank you,

Tr. Merve

Friday, 19 April 2013

Health project

Salam Alikoum,

Dear Parents,

 Gr6 Health Project oral presentation is Monday April 22nd, the presention is 4 marks out of the total. Each student will be given 1 to 2 min to breifly present and summarize his booklet project.


Library updates

Dear Parents,

Assalamu Alaikum

Have you read great children’s or young adults books lately? If you have, I would like to hear about it; I am sure that other parents would like to hear about it, too.

 Every week, I post book recommendations on the school library website. If you would like to include your recommendations on the library website, please email me your book review at

I look forward to hearing from you.
Happy Reading!

Tr. Nancy

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Gauss Math Contest

 A Reminder

Assalamualaikoum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh
Dear Parents/Guardians:
As we announced before that Abraar School will be participating inshAllah in Gauss Math Contest of the Centre of Education in Mathematics and Computing (CEMC) at the University of Waterloo.
You can find more information about the contest in the following link:
Students can prepare at home for the contest by using questions along with the solutions from previous contests that are posted on the website by the Math Dept. of Waterloo University.
Pervious contests and solutions found in the following link:
Individual Awards:
- The top three highest scores will receive a medal and everyone will receive a certificate of participation from Waterloo University.
- A Certificate of Distinction is provided for each student scoring in the top 25% in their

InshAllah participating students will gain the benefits from competing in such events.
Due Date: Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Math updates


Alsalamo Alikom Dear Parents

InshAllah grade 6 students will have a math quiz in chapter 11 on Thursday Aril 18th.

jazakom Allah Khairan

Quran: Update from Tr. Samia



Alhamdullah we finished reciting and memorizing  surat Attalaaqah  and  we are about to finish memorizing Surat Attagabon , so please practice with your child using this website and go to Sheikh Ibrahim Alakhadar:  





Congratulations to the best memorizers  and reciters of the month of March

1.Maheen M.
2.Khadija A.
3.Rayah A.


Friday, 12 April 2013

Grade ones' bake sale

Salams dearest parents,

please support the grade ones' bake sale by sending money with your child this Tuesday, April 16th in order for him/her to purchase goodies from the sale…

Your support is appreciated:

Grade 1A’s & Grade 1B’s


When:  Tuesday, April 16th

Time: 9:00 to 12:30

Where: Gym

Why: to fundraise for our new school & the Youth Centre

Monday, 8 April 2013

The Scholastic Book Fair

Dear Parents and Families,

Assalamu Alaikum

The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to our school this week! What better way to promote reading to our students than by supporting this important literary event.

We invite your entire family to participate by purchasing the latest and greatest in children’s books. Did you know that for every $10 you spend at the Fair up to $6 comes directly back to our school? Your support of this vital literary event is key in helping us obtain new books and resources for our library and classrooms.

You will find hundreds of quality books at our Book Fair with a wide assortment for all reading levels. On Monday, your child will be bringing home the Scholastic Book Fair flyer that provides a preview of only a FEW of the many books available to purchase at our Fair.

The flyer also contains a special Family Event Draw ballot that parents can deposit during our Family Event. You could win $50 in books – $25 for your family PLUS $25 for your child’s classroom!

Do not forget to mark the Book Fair dates on your calendar! We look forward to seeing you during our Scholastic Book Fair and thank you, in advance, for supporting this great literary fundraiser. Mostly, thank you for believing in books and the importance reading has on your child’s future.


Nancy-Ann Brethour

Book Fair Chairperson

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Arabic Language

أولياء الأمورالكرام السلام عليكم ورحمة:


أنهينا الفترة الدراسية السابقة بتوفيق من الله ، ولقد بذل التلاميذ جهدا كبيرا يستحقون عليه الشكر والتشجيع. وبرنامجنا لهذه الفترة سيكون أيضا حافللا بالعديد من الأنشطة والمواضيع ذات الطايع   

 الاتصالي بحياة التلاميذ العلمية والعملية ، والتي تتناسب ومستواهم الفكري.

 في القراءة سنتناول بالدرس والتحليل علما من اعلام الفكر الإسلامي الذي ملأ العالم بعلمه، وبقي ذكره حيا على  مدى الأزمان.الشيخ الرئيس : ابن سينا . أما في القواعد فسوف ندرس

   الجملةالاسمية  والأفعال الناسخة (كان وأخواتها) . وفي النصوص سنتناول (نص الربيع ) للشاعر : امين نخلة. سنركز على  الحفظ والإلقاء المعبر، فهم معاني النص ودلالاتها وإيحاءاتها، ثم

 شرح الأبيات ونثرها بأسلوب التلاميذ .هذا إلى جانب النشاطات الأخرى: الإملاء ، التعبير ، القراءة الحرة ( يستعير كل تلميذ كتابا أو قصة يقرأوها ويعلق عليها ودور أولياء الأمور هنا مساعدة

الأبناء وتشيجعهم على القراءة ولا ننسى البحث ،حيث يقوم التلاميذ باستخدام حاسوب المدرسة للبحث عن موضوع سيتم اختياره .

جزاكم الله خيرا وشكرا لكم تعاونكم


المدرسة أمل

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Field trip


Dear parents, this is a quick reminder about the field trip that is coming up this Friday April 5. The permission form is due tomorrow Wednesday April 3, 2013. Please if you have not sent the permission form with your child, do so for tomorrow.

Spelling List

Grade 6 spelling List (April 4, 2013)

1.      exaggerate

2.      motion

3.      pressure

4.      direction

5.      caution

6.      partial

7.      ancient

8.      polish

9.      station

10.  shallow

11.  official

12.  edition

13.  musician

14.  mention

15.  mission

16.  portion

17.  session

18.  selfish

19.  establish

20.  cushion

21.  expedition

22.  diminish

23.  recession

24.  beneficial

25.  technician

Math test


Alsalamo Alikom Dear Parents

We will have inshAllah a Math test on Monday April 8th.
The test will be covering chapter 8 all lessons.

InshAllah we will start chapter 11 which is about Geometry 3-D shapes.

Jazakom Allah Khiaran for your cooperation.